How to Handle Pain from Wisdom Teeth


Wisdom teeth are very painful. In most cases, patients feel so much pain before opting for Emergency Wisdom Teeth Removal. The sharp aching or throbbing feeling of wisdom tooth pain often occurs at the back sides of your mouth near the gum line. It may occasionally be a dull ache that never goes away.

Emergency Wisdom Teeth Removal

Use OTC Pain Relievers

You can use prescribed medicines. A pain reliever available over the counter can alleviate your discomfort. Medications including ibuprofen and acetaminophen are temporary fix measures. Always stick to the right dosage instructions. Never go beyond your daily intake. This might reduce swelling and alleviate pain. In case your condition continues to linger, please see a professional as quickly as possible.

Apply Cold Compress

A cold compress may be helpful to reduce swelling and deaden the pain in the area. Put ice on a cloth or use a cold pack. Then apply it to the outside of your cheek where you’re feeling the pain. Keep the compress on for some 15 minutes at a time. Use it every hour as needed. This may give you some relief until you have an appointment for Emergency Wisdom Teeth Removal.

Salty Water Rinse

Rinsing with salty water might help to calm even irritated gums. Half a teaspoon of salt should dissolve in a glass of warm water. After giving it a gentle mouth swish for thirty seconds, spit it out. This will reduce swelling, eradicate bacteria, and provide several hours of comfort. Do this several times a day for the best effect.

Avoid Hard or Sticky Foods

It may be hard to nibble, eating with wisdom tooth pain. Try avoiding hard, crunchy, and chewy foods as they will damage the area, causing the patient much discomfort. Use soft foods like yogurt, mashed potatoes, or smoothies, as these are softer and easier to eat, thereby not irritating your pain.

Keep Head Elevated

Lie on your back and elevate your head with some pillows or lie on a recliner. Lying flat will improve blood circulation to that area, which will aggravate the pain. Sleep in a reclined position with extra pillows to position your head at rest or support your head with extra pillows. It makes swelling much lower, relieving some discomfort.

Look for Signs of Infection

Monitor for signs of infection. You may experience this with a fever, redness, or discharge around your infected tooth. Call an Emergency Dental Clinic if you have such symptoms. This infection can make your condition worse; therefore, keep an eye out for it, and seek treatment right away.

Seek Immediate Help if Necessary

If the pain hurts too much or you have a fever, there is a need for urgent help. An Emergency Dental Clinic may be able to give you care and advice; they would assess your condition and see which is the most appropriate action. The more delayed treatment will mean the more problematic the condition.

Prepare for Your Visit

When you visit an appointment for Emergency Wisdom Teeth Removal, be prepared. Write down your symptoms, how long you have been in pain, etc. This information will make your dentist give you the best care. You should also let them know if you are on medications.

Managing such severe pain resulting from wisdom teeth can be somewhat challenging. Still, by applying these tips, temporary comfort can be felt as you await an appointment. Of course, the long-term solutions require professional consulting.

Author Bio

Holistic Dental Wisdom Tooth Dentistry offers quality treatments for wisdom teeth.