7 ways to improve your focus while working from home


Working from home has become increasingly common since the pandemic hit a few years ago. People and businesses got to see a whole new approach to work, and many decided to stick with this way. This opens up a whole new world of benefits, but also comes with its own set of challenges.

The most common problem with working from home is that boundaries can get blurred and you don’t get to fully disconnect from work or your personal responsibilities. There is a major issue with focus and attention in many cases. Offices offer a structured environment where you get work done and then call it a day. At home, there are too many distractions, especially if there are children, families, or partners involved. Here are a few ways you can improve your focus when working from home.  

Create a proper schedule

The first thing you need to do is to set a proper schedule. Fix your work hours, and divide these hours according to your tasks. Also keep your schedule at hand, and keep a record of all upcoming meetings or calls as well. 

Create a weekly schedule using the weekly planner template on PosterMyWall. Print this out and put in all your tasks and meetings. This will help you be more organized and have a clear picture of how your week will go.  

Set up a separate workspace

This is one of the most essential aspects of improving your focus when working from home. You need to set up a dedicated work area, where you can just sit down and get into the work zone. This does not mean that you need a whole separate room. Any quiet corner with a small desk and your devices will work well for you. 

Make sure you use this space just for work, and set it up accordingly. However, don’t make it bland. Instead, put a nice desk plant or small memento to promote some creativity. 

Start your day with meditation

Focus is a skill you need to develop. It is not something you are inherently born with. So, start your workday with some meditation and focus exercises. These will help you keep any distractions out of mind and get to work with a refreshed mind. 

There are numerous meditation routines for all levels. So, you don’t have to sit there for ages. You can even take five minutes out of your day and dedicate them to cleansing your mind and disciplining your thoughts. 

Use the Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro technique is highly popular these days, and with good reason. It is a well-researched method which helps people stay focused on their tasks at hand. The premise behind it is simple enough. 

So, break your work down into 25-minute segments, and sit and do that work without getting up. Then, take a five-minute break to stretch your legs and relax your mind for a bit. This technique prevents you from getting frustrated or bored just sitting at a desk. You can even do small breathing and focus exercises during the breaks to really work hard on your focus and discipline. 

Establish your professional boundaries

This is an essential practice, especially when you live in a shared space. Make sure everyone you live with knows what your work hours are. Do not allow disruptions in your workspace, apart from absolute emergencies. Also make sure your workspace is away from any high traffic areas. 

Let people know when you’re available for personal concerns and for chores. Try to never do chores during your set work hours. Otherwise, you just break the system and get out of the productive mindset. 

Don’t work in your pajamas

The way you dress can make a huge difference in how well you work. You might be tempted to work in your sweatpants, but that will automatically put you in a relaxed and lazy mindset. So, make sure you dress up for work. 

This does not mean that you wear formal clothes everyday. It just means you take the effort to get into day clothes which you’d wear to your office as well. This will make you feel refreshed and out you into that work zone you need to do well. 

Set work milestones

Don’t just set vague goals and objectives for your work. Instead, break down each major objective into smaller goals and milestones. Set realistic timelines for each milestone and do your best to meet these timelines. 

This will also make your work look more manageable and make you feel motivated. So, set these milestones and feel a sense of achievement when you fulfill them. 

In conclusion, there are a number of ways you can stay more focused when you work from home. These require very few changes and a manageable amount of effort. This way, you’re sure to keep your boundaries in place and work on a productive mindset.