Six Tips For Preparing Your Home For Winter


As we are officially in August, the months are getting colder and the weather is getting darker. We have waved goodbye to the summer solstice and ever since then, it has been downhill. The sun sets much sooner and the evenings are cooler. It almost feels like we didn’t have a summer at all this year other than a short spell for a few weeks.

Winter is coming and you must complete your annual house checks to ensure your home is prepared for the cold weather. Due to the weather changes, your home can get damaged. Nevertheless, there are a few things you can do to ensure your home isn’t damaged and is in the best condition possible. Let’s look at how you can make sure you are prepared for the winter weather.

Check Your Heating Systems

The first step to ensuring your home is ready for the weather is to test the heating. Make sure everything is working efficiently such as your radiators and your boiler. Make sure any filter systems are cleaned so they produce more heat.

Get Your Boiler Serviced

Another thing you need to do is service your boiler. It cannot be completed by yourself so you require a qualified gas safety engineer to do this for you. However, winter is a busy time of year for a gas engineer so make sure you do this nice and early before winter arrives.

Ensure Your Windows and Doors Don’t Let In Cold Air

Windows and doors are the usual culprits for letting out warm air in your home, especially if it is an old home. Make sure you go around your home to ensure there are no drafts from your doors or windows.

To do this, all you need to do is get a candle. Place your candle next to the door or window where you think there is a draft and then watch the flame. If the flame is pulled or pushed towards your window or door, you know there is a slight draft.

There are two solutions for drafty windows or doors. If you think there is too much of a draft, it may be best to get new windows and doors. However, if you think there is only a slight draft then buy draught-proofing tape. They are the more affordable solution for ensuring there is no longer a draft.

Don’t Neglect The Outside Of Your Building

Another area to check is the outside of your building. That includes your roof and your gutters. During autumn, leaves and branches can fall from trees and land in your gutters. Make sure they are not blocked as a combination of ice and plant debris from trees can cause your gutters to collapse.

Insulation On Pipework

During winter, there is a chance that your pipes can freeze in the cold weather. If they do freeze and you turn on your heating, there is a chance that they will burst. It is a massive inconvenience during winter and you must reduce this as much as possible.

A good way to avoid burst pipes is by purchasing insulation for your pipework. It doesn’t matter if the pipes are plastic or made from copper, they still require insulation. Pipe insulation doesn’t cost money either so it is certainly worth the investment. Plus, the damages would cost you more than the insulation so ensure you get the pipes insulated for winter.

Remember Your Pipes

Now that you have your insulation, you need to think about other methods for looking after your pipework. To do this, you need to check the exterior of your building to ensure there are no cracks or holes in your outside wall. If there is, make sure to buy some filler and repair the holes.

During the winter months, you must ensure you keep pipes warm, even when you are not there. To do this, make sure that your heating is set to around four degrees to keep the pipes warm using a smart thermostat. It will reduce the chances of pipes bursting when you need to turn on your heating.


There are many things that you can do and buy for the colder temperature. One of the main things to check is the exterior of your building because this is how cold air and water will get in. It can cause a lot of damage and therefore, you need to ensure there are no holes or cracks in the outside wall.

Remember to buy draft excluders for your doors and windows. It also may be worth investing in thermal blinds for your home. If you are not sure what these are then visit your local shop that sells blinds in Oxford or other areas in which you may live.

There you have it, your perfect guide to keeping your home prepared for colder temperatures. Some of these things are expensive and others are inexpensive.